The week before last I was in Austin from Monday night until Thursday afternoon at a conference. The weather reports varied from snow at home to only rain with snow in Austin. It seemed to change every few hours. We decided to leave Austin at 9 in the morning on Thursday because it had already begun to
snow at home. Cody said they were the
biggest and
prettiest snowflakes! We began to get into sleet outside Austin but thankfully the roads were to warm to cause any problems. We began to see lots of gorgeous snow outside Brownwood and it continued all the way home. The roads were all in really good shape and we didn't have problems getting home. School was dismissed at 1:30 due to the snow. Once I arrived to pick up Lyndon he was eager to make
snowcream. He had made some at school and wanted
The snow was just
I couldn't wait to get home and take
pictures of the snow. It also gave me a chance to
play with my camera! :)
After Cody was off of work he made a
homemade sled and we went to some of our land that would be perfect for sledding!
Cody had to make a few modifications because the nose kept dipping and Lyndon and I were
COVERED in snow!
Our cows really didn't know what to think. They had never seen us do anything like
this before!
Lyndon kept his head down to keep the snow off of his face.
This is such a
typical picture-Cody's phone rings!!!!
Lyndon finally got up the
courage to try it alone.
Had to
play with my camera again!
This poor little calf was born the morning that it began to snow. What a
rude awakening! Thank
goodness the calf was healthy and strong!

This is Lyndon's
snowman and
snowpuppies (look to the right of the snowman) that he built at PowPow's while he was waiting on me to get back into town.