Girls basket (Momma and Aubrey's loot)
Lyndon and Carl's boy basket.
Each year Momma takes the kids to Toy's R Us to purchase Toys for Tots. This year they had a contest to see if boys or girls could get closest to their $100/person budget. Lyndon and Carl worked hard to calculate as they went...unfortunately they went over budget by about $70 because they found really neat skateboards that must have been placed in the incorrect place on the shelf....Lets just say two kids will be really excited with their expensive skateboards....the funny thing is the boys thought it was such a good bargain to find the skateboards for only $19.99 that they bought several! At least it is for a great cause! After checking out they dropped their gifts off to the firemen and had a quick fire truck tour. I think that it is WONDERFUL that Momma takes the kids to help those less fortunate. She is teaching them lifelong lessons!
This is a wonderful tradition your mother is instilling in Lyndon and his cousins. How nice!