January 27, 2014 my grandmother was honored as having the neighborhood park renamed in her honor. Lyndon & I flew out for the celebration.

Several neighbors displayed historical
murals of the park throughout the years.

Years ago the neighborhood park was falling in disrepair rapidly. My grandmother a.k.a. Memere formed a group of neighbors to form a committee to make plans to fundraise for the parks renovations. She was later named the neighborhood
President which she held for many many years. As her health began to decline and her family begging her to resign because of the tedious work that was involved as well as stress, she declined until someone else would step-up to the plate. Of course many were willing to assist, but no one wanted to assume the role so she continued her efforts for several more years before realizing she need to hand the gavel over. Of course someone else assumed the role once they realized she wouldn't/couldn't.

Many of her fundraising efforts went to the installation of
new playground equipment, a
gazebo to be built for celebrations, and many renovations to the neighborhood

The dedication was suppose to be a
secret, but a neighbor slipped.

City officials making the appropriate speeches,

as well as other
neighborhood committee members,

She was very
honored as we all were.

While the adults congratulated Memere the kids used the facilities to
play-just as they were built for.
Everything was
beautiful and once the festivities were over the family all went for dinner and a celebratory cake.
dedication to her neighborhood and community are such an
inspiration to me and I admire her tremedously!
What a neat lady! I see a lot of your grandmother in you!