We spent our Saturday before the 4th at home having a
family cookout. Due to a record breaking drought fireworks and open flames are banned; however, we were still able to have fun. Most of the fun involved water.

The boys swam and
slipp'n slid the day & night away.

Being silly while eating their
4th of July ice cream sandwiches.

The kittens have had a blast playing with my grass. I really
feel for the animals in the heat and try to keep the flower beds by the door wet of them. They love to play with this grass and lay on it so I
just let them.

While I did my shopping for the 4th Lyndon and Carl entertained themselves playing on of Lyndon's DS games. It is a John Deere farming game and the boys have spent hours making their farms just
PERFECT! They have to take care of their crops and livestock and make money decisions to keep their farm running smoothly.

On Sunday we drove to Addison/Dallas. On our way out of town we spotted the
biggest dust tornado we have seen. It was hard to get a picture of and had traveled too far to get the full effect. We need a
We stayed at the Hilton Dallas hoping to see the Addison big Kaboom Town firework show. After visiting with the hotel staff they sadly informed us that even though the Addison buildings are very visible from our room due to the smog in the air we wouldn't be able to see the fireworks. We were hoping to avoid the thousands of people who attend the Kaboom Town festivities. The hotel recommended we dine at Gloria's and watch the fireworks on the patio. It was great!

We did have to watch through the tree but we enjoyed ourselves.
Being from the 'country' I don't think to consider smog-we can see for miles and miles from our house. Luckily we were able to avoid the traffic as the hotel offered free shuttle service and also knew the side streets.
The next morning Cody and Lyndon went to swim while I packed and showered. We were hoping to make it back home in time to go to the lake and we did.

We ate lunch at one of our
favorite places. Lyndon showing Cody is farm on his DS JD Farming game.
We enjoyed our weekend together as a family!
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