Momma and I made our traditional summer trip to Tucson with the 3 kiddos. The 1st set of pictures Momma took-I'm too lazy to fight with putting them in order!

A visit to the church my parents were married in.

Fun in the pool.

Lyndon's birthday present for Grandmere.

Sound asleep in Lubbock on the way home.
These are in order....now....I think!

On the way having fun with car treats!

Aubrey working on her car book.

Swimming fun at Tante Lyn & Uncle Ken's.

Being silly while looking for presents for Grandmere.

Autumn and Aubrey had plenty of time to be silly at the car wash.......Momma and Memere went shoe shopping so I had the kids in Momma's car as we went birthday shopping for Grandmere. We stopped in the drive thru at Starbuck's to grab a cup of milk for everyone. During the passing one cup fell and the lid blew off......12oz of milk in MOMMA'S carpet!!!!! I quickly went to the nearest carwash and had the carpets shampooed. Thankfully the carpet was saved!!

Fun at Toys'R Us.

Feeding the fish on the way home in Lubbock.

Back to Tante Lyn's for swimming & fun with the dogs.

Everyone was taking pictures!

After swimming the kids had ice cream.

On the way home Momma wanted to show the kids Cloudcroft and the Lodge.

Up in the tower.

The ghost of Rebecca.

Making penny souvenirs.

Jessica, Autumn, and Aubrey having fun at Peter Piper Pizza.

Get together diner at one of Memere's favorites, Olive Garden.

We had a great time visiting and helping Memere. We always hate to leave & try to get her to come home with us each time.
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