Lyndon wanted another water birthday party so we planned his birthday party a couple of weeks before his birthday. I really have enjoyed doing this the past couple of years, because then on his 'real' birthday we can spend it together as a family.
We enjoyed watching the 2012 Summer Olympics together as a family and decided that it would be a fun theme for his party.
At about 4:45 Lyndon and a couple of friends were already enjoying the water slide when it began to rain. Lightning soon followed so the boys were in the house. Lyndon was becoming very worried that his party would be canceled. I assured him everything would clear up in the next hour and thankfully it did. We had to clean-up and reset everything up but were very thankful for the rain!

Earlier that afternoon I stopped by to see this
wonderful man,
Papa Charlie Boy as he wasn't doing very well. I do believe that the rain we received was a gift from above as God, the angels, and Mawmaw were crying tears of joy that Papa would soon be joining them in the kingdom of heaven....The most abundant rainfall was on our Harris land where Papa grew up as a child. Papa was a very generous and loving Papa and thought the world of his grandson, Cody and great-grandson, Lyndon as well as his other grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We will miss him

Shortly after 6:00 I notified our guest that the storm had passed and our electricity had been restored so we began to

I had a photo booth and the girls had a
blast dressing Cody......he is always such a trooper!

I had trick candles, but it was hard to keep them lit outside.
Now for the good stuff.....the PHOTO BOOTH PICTURES!

This was our little

Exhausted and enjoying the Wii!
Lyndon was very blessed by his family and friends and had a wonderful party....I can't believe he is 10...or almost 10 anyway!
Aww, love the party! Great theme, So sorry about your Grandfather, I totally get how important, great men are, and the loss is felt, but I love how you thought of the rain as tears of joy!